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Device Distribution Programs

The Fortune Society Digital Equity Program works with a vendor to connect participants with free cellphones and phone service through the LifeLine Program.


Stop by our offices to see if you qualify:


Long Island City 



Bronx (SRP)



NOTE: Phone eligibility rules have changed.

Make sure to check with our team for up-to-date information.


Already signed up? Contact us to see if your device is ready.


12:00 AM to 2:00 PM



1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Affortable Connectivity Program Logo
Tablet and Smartphone Collage
Computers 4 People Inventory

The Fortune Society Digital Equity Program partners with Computers 4 People to provide free refurbished laptops to participants.


To qualify, participants must be active attendees or previous attendees of Digital Equity Program workshops, and must receive a referral from their case manager.


Stop by our office to see if you're eligible.


Please note: supply is limited, and can take time to acquire.

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